
Friday, April 16, 2010

Ghostbusters Movie-a-thon

We had a Ghostbusters Movie-a-thon to see which movie was the best...1 or 2.
After a vote, four against two decided that Ghostbusters 1 is the winner!

We had themed food and a whole ton o' fun!

Pink Slime, Roasted Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, and Slimer

Slimer's Pizza

Stay Puft Marshmallow Man aka The Traveler

And Candy Proton Packs

It was so much fun!

Disneyland with Grandpa Hansen: Day 2 and 3

The second and third days were full of rides, walking, and enjoying the sights around us.
Here are a few of the things that we enjoyed!

City Hall gave the boys buttons to wear that said "1st Visit".
Everyone at the park played it up and made our boys feel so special!
We love Disney!

Esmeralda is a tradition for me!
As we walked out of the park every night, I got my fortune.

Main Street


Toon Town

This was Cadence's favorite place. He loved playing in all of the houses.

Chip and Dale's Tree House

Donald Duck's Boat

Goofy's House

Pooh's Corner

Disneyland Park Train

Four years ago, Chase and I had our picture taken here.
Now we have two little boys!
The fun has multiplied!

We love Grandpa Hansen!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Disneyland with Grandpa Hansen: Day 1

We drove to St. George and picked Grandpa Hansen up from the St. George Airport and then drove all the way to Disneyland! The boys, all four of them, were great travelers!

We got to Disneyland at about 6 p.m.

Cadence and Mason rode It's a Small World and on the Carousel and then crashed. Chase, Dad, and I walked around the park a little longer and then headed back to the hotel.

Cadence got a super cool fort bed underneath the sink.
Shh...he is hiding!

Mason got a power nap and was ready to play a little longer.

So Grandpa let the boys wrestle on his bed.

They hugged and made up and dreampt of Mickey, Goofy, and Donald.

Remote Control Holder

So...if you didn't know, I have been working on refinishing a coffee table that my sister-in-law is letting us babysit. You are going to get a sneak peak of the finished product before I post about it, but I need to get the "before" pictures off of my laptop before I do. the last post I talked about a large wooden bowl and here it is...

I painted it with two coats of antique white craft paint to match our entertainment center in the family room.

I sanded the edges.

And here is the finished project!

My Electronics "Shrine"

I told Chase that I was making a place for my electronic gadgets to charge and immediately he called it my "Electronics Shrine".
So...that will be the name of the project that I just finished.

I found this three level beauty at DI for $1.
I didn't know what I was going to do with it, but I knew I couldn't pass it up.

Then I found these wooden bowls that also came with a large wooden bowl that I will show you in my next post. These were perfect to go on top of my "Electronics Shrine".

I painted the pedestal antique white and the bowls a beautiful turquoise color.

I sanded the edges of the pedestal and the bowls. Then glued the bowls onto the levels.
I started out with wood glue, but the bowls were sliding around
so I ended up using a hot glue gun.

Then I attached some rusty tags with 1...2...3 on them with hemp string.
Ta Da!
Electronics Shrine finished!

Now to work on the night table that it is going to sit on...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Bryce Canyon with Snow

Chase was asked to do a Youth Conference at Bryce Canyon in the middle of March.
This is what we saw...